First, a map:
As far as I know, that’s almost* everyone who’s asked their library within the past few weeks to carry my obviously good book. Thank you!
We’re now well over 600 requests this month (or about 4% of the people who read the Watch Grid each week, hint hint for everyone else haha), and as noted, after we get to 1,000 this season, I’ll donate $1,000 to a charity chosen by a random Requestor — and also write words at you that are more fun to read than this same library thing each week.
It’s easy:
Enter Hell Is a World Without You in your library’s request form, probably online. For likely success, include the link to this review and/or the book’s Wikipedia page.
Let me know (jasonkirkbook at gmail.com or comment below or whatever) which library you asked.
If it’s already in your town’s library, how about your alma mater’s, your county’s, etc.? If they already have the audiobook, how about print, etc.?
If the form wants an ISBN: hardcover is 9781735492650, ebook is 9781735492629, and audiobook is 9781735492667. Pick whichever. If it asks for genre: adult fiction.
Based on data I can see, I think about a fourth of September’s requests have already been fulfilled, in addition to those that have been approved but not yet purchased, others that haven’t yet been seen by librarians, etc. Solid rate. If your library doesn’t have a copy yet, it might take multiple Requestors, or they might decide to add the ebook in addition to their print copy, or what have you. Every request counts!
* “Almost” refers to Requestors outside the map (in Alaska, Australia, Canada, Finland, Hawaii, and Scotland), and also to the towns with multiple Requestors who’ve overlapped each other. Heat maps are much harder to make online than they were 10 years ago, probably because of woke.
And second:
Next week, I’ll probably write more words than I did this time, probably about novelty junk food or biblical abortion or something, but that’s all I got for now. Thanks!
Just requested in Beaumont, Texas!
Requested downloadable audiobook from the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus, OH on 9/26/24, requested the paper book on January 17, 2024.
FYI - 10 copies of the paper book, still has a waitlist here!