Nov 22, 2023Liked by Jason Kirk

"Dude wrote a book about religion and didn't mention me once. Only two people in this world have ever felt this level of persecution and I'm both of them." --Kanye

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Jason Kirk

Happy birthday week, Jason! I went ahead and snagged the hardcover copy so I can have a book on my bookshelf among all my Pokemon cards 😂

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I feel this.

I definitely had more uncomfortable church conversations about evolution and geologic time than about what kind of sex counts, if that tells you what kind of kid i was. But I feel this book. I have also seen MxPx and Reliant K in concert.

I'm excited for this book to exist and apprehensive about reading it, but I will definitely buy it first and then deal with that apprehension later.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jason Kirk

Dear Sweet Nail-Choosing Jesus, I’m a couple chapters in and we’re averaging about two gut punches per chapter. I’m sure things will get more explicit as the story goes on, but all these little asides and throwaway comments that pack such an awful punch are killing me 😭😭😭

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So proud of you, man. Looking forward to the book. (And if you are a second-screen watch-grid guy, don’t sleep on Miami/BC. Looks like bowl eligibility is on the line for each of them...)

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Jason Kirk

I can already tell I'm gonna be back to order a stack of these to give away. Can't wait.

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H*ll yes.

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As someone who has spent way too much time on I-71 between Columbus and Cincinnati, the cover art spoke to me. Congrats on the book. Look forward to reading it.

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Thanks! I suggested Hell signs to my designer (Emily Mahon) and she went with the iconic red H right away

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Any site preference for maximizing the donation?

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Hey Jason, I thought these books were supposed to be shipped out in February but Amazon just deliver one to me. If this was received by mistake I wanted to let you know that Jeff Bezos is trying to spread the good word in time for Christmas. Also you can pry it from my cold dead finger. Praise be to Ra the sun god.

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Preordered. I have been binging your VBS podcast. I am up to DEUUUUUYUTERNOMY DEUTERONOMY !

My Southron Baptist Church in the 1960s-1970s had many on the things you touch upon. Rapture, believer’s Baptism, a youth pastor (we called him a youth minister) who was way into conspiracy theories (the Illuminati and Catholic Church had both JFK & Pope John XXIII murder because they prayed the sinner’s prayer and were going to go public), hell fire and brimstone revival preachers which scared 8 year old me to death so I walked the aisle, but want sure it took so did again when 18 and no telling how many times I dedicated my self.

I do realize I owe a debt to our pastor (non youth) who, during the height of Rapture-mania in the mid 1970s, pointed out the Greek words in Matthew 24 translated in English as “taken away” have the same meaning as the words “taken away” as used in the Septuagint version of the Flood story in Genesis. In other words the folks taken away were the damned and the ones Left Behind®️were the saved.

Lots of folks didn’t like our preacher cause “he didn’t preach the Gospel” meaning he was learned in Greek and Hebrew and had various takes on the Bible that differed with Hal Lindsey’s.

I digress can’t wait to read your book. I ordered one for my wife who is also a recovering Southron Baptist.

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Thank you!! And there's a brief scene near the end of chapter 6 that'll register with you, I think!

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I am excited to read this book! I did want to tell you, this shows on Amazon as shipping December 1st.

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Yeah Ima be honest, some of these are just gonna show up when they show up lol (hopefully all on the early side)

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Jason Kirk

Sounds good to me! Glad to be able to help out the internets only book publishing company.

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Are you doing any book tour events? I'm friends with the event manager at our local bookstore in Greenville and they do great events.

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Definitely want to! Email me at jasonkirkbook@gmail?

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Few things more embarrassing than making Lou Holtz seem correct....except for morons who are trying to sell a book and make embarrassingly stupid claims, and lose book sales. Even moreso, if this person is an OSU or Michigan fan. Lol. Go Irish!

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I don't think Lou was going to buy it anyway, though he is mentioned in it. I pray your weekend improves

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