“Rub some church on it”. Absolutely spot on phrase there.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

"It doesn’t cross their minds that they should face repercussions, make amends, alter behavior, or at very least thump their poorly read1 Bibles less frequently. They instead rub some church on it, wipe a tear while smiling at other Christians who share the appropriate demographics, and declare the matter resolved. They are then shocked to discover there are people outside their back-slapping huddle who don’t recognize the validity of the Get Out Of Consequences Free Card the offender has imagined into existence."

Man, terrific work Jason. Glad you have the perfect-for-this-topic brain combo of dumb college football choices and recovering christian-fasco indoctrination. Great read.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

Gracious, this is so incisive and well-said. Thank you.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

Amen. And amen.

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Man this was so good. Thanks for laying it out so well.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

The author Gary Black came to our church a few years ago to talk about a book of his that was recently published. He referenced the "cosmic carwash" faith of some that went basically like this: "accept" Jesus, ask for forgiveness, and all your sins are washed away and that "faith" punches your ticket to a glorious afterlife that requires little in the way of changing how one lives life on Earth. Freeze's frustration with people not moving on from his behavior because he has already apologized and suffered pain seems to be an indicator of his adherence to this kind of belief system.

One thing that stuck out to me during his introductory press conference is that he rejected the idea that people deserve things, however he was a big proponent that things must be earned and that he firmly believed he earned the Auburn job. That he didn't see how those two things are - at least - inextricably linked, if not synonymous, is telling.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

Really, really well-written. As always.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

Boom. Dynamite. Thanks for this, Jason.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

Fire! Good stuff, as always.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Jason Kirk

This is phenomenal, as always. Really great job of putting a lot of what I was thinking together in a coherent way. It always pains me when men like this want the bad parts to go away without doing the work. No one is saying that what he did at Ole Miss should be perpetually disqualifying. But he should be forced to reckon with what he did and have some outward indication that he's learned. But that would require time and real effort that might take away some of his earning potential. Hopefully some good can come from this unfortunate turn of events.

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His texts to Chelsea Andrews, besides being an offense in their own right, are an indication that he hasn't "reckon[ed] with what he did" and are the opposite of an "outward indication that he's learned." What he seems to have learned is that he's never going to be called to account in this world. I'll leave the next world to those who believe in one.

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And another Amen for good measure. Wonderfully precise posting. As my grandfather used to say, "there are going to be a LOT of these CHINOs (CHristians In Name Only) who get a surprise when they stop breathing". I'd count Freeze as one of them.

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I appreciated the read, Jason. From my Lutheran perspective the thing that Hugh and many others confuse is the idea of two kinds of righteousness. From a vertical perspective (between us and God) I believe we are forgiven the moment we ask for it because it's not dependent on us making amends, but on God's grace. But from a horizontal perspective (between each other) it's a whole different ballgame. Forgiveness takes time, restitution, making amends, and even then it is not guaranteed or automatic. A convicted criminal can say he/she found faith and thus forgiveness from God. Great- but that doesn't change the debt they owe to those they hurt/society/etc. They still have to fulfill that. Same thing when my four-year old hits her brother and says she shouldn't lose any privileges "because Jesus forgives me." I believe He does, but horizontally you've still gotta make it up to your brother and be discouraged from doing that again. Finally, a football coach can say he is forgiven by God for his past. Great- but receiving that forgiveness horizontally will require doing all it takes to have those you hurt forgive you and not hold it against you. And that likely won't happen the form, fashion, or time you would like if it ever does.

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Definitely. I was essentially raised, like Freeze, to believe HF does the work of VF, with the difference being how much agonized groveling this requires

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Jimmy Sexton: "He may be a garbage human being, but he's also not a very good coach".

AU: Sold!

War Eagle anyway I guess :(

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Well, all the Christians sure rushed to forgive Donald Trump and continues to forgive him on a daily basis. New allegations pretty much every day. I got railed on by my Christian friends when I denounced him as a fake Christian. Never been to church and can't pronounce 2 Corinthians. Lies, steals, calls women fat dogs and pigs. Serial philanderer and predator. Sorry, Biblical repentance requires admission, asking forgiveness and then making reparations. Paul killed Christians but spent the rest of his life making up for it.

It's just Transactional Business. Same as all the other multi-talented pro players who get a pass if they can throw 30 TD's or hit 30 HR's a year.

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Thank you for writing this Jason

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