HELL IS A WORLD WITHOUT YOU events, interviews, reviews, and more

Hello, sports journalist and religion podcaster Jason Kirk here. My exvangelical coming-of-age novel — Hell Is a World Without You — is good, according to a bunch of people linked below.

A best-seller according to USA Today’s booklist, Bookshop.org, IndieReader, and a handful of Amazon lists, it enabled me to pledge over $50,000 to LGBTQ charity the Trevor Project, with $46,000 already donated.

The book is available pretty much everywhere paperbacks, ebooks, and hardcovers are sold. Audiobook in the works.

If you’d like to talk about getting a review copy, doing an interview, hosting an event, or some other idea we haven’t tried yet, holler: jasonkirkbook at g mail dot com.

Upcoming IRL book events

After seven lovely and normal book-tour events, I’m pivoting to Shutdown Fullcast mode (though at each of these Fullcast events, I’ll certainly have books on hand, sign all books, and possibly also piggyback readings either before or after):

  • Indianapolis on May 24 (tickets on sale here)

  • Portland, Oregon on July 26 (tickets on sale soon)

  • Raleigh on August 24 (tickets on sale May 25)

More to come, one way or the other!

Completed IRL book events

  • Monday Night Garage in Atlanta with the Shutdown Fullcast:

  • Northstreet Taproom bar in Madison, Wisconsin with Mason Mennenga and Matt Brown: Audio on our Patreon

  • Pendleton Bookshop in Clemson, South Carolina with Anna Sandy Elrod, Shannon Finck, and Joshua Martin

  • A Novel Idea bookshop in Philadelphia with my kid

  • Ann Arbor with Jane Coaston and Ace Anbender. Video to come

  • St. Clare’s Episcopal Church, where I preached lol. Audio to come on our Patreon

  • The University of Alabama with profs Mike Altman and Van Newell. Video to come (unless it turns out the camera was full)

All of these things were awesome. Emily and I talked about them on Patreon.

Editorial book reviews

Public review roundups

Praise blurbs in general

Print interviews about the book

Audio promo for — that’s right — the book

Public Q&As about — you guessed it — the book

Once again, if you wanna talk about doing any of this sorta thing: jasonkirkbook at g mail dot com.